- 00:19: 国际教育与传统教育最大的区别是什么?
- 01:40: 我的女儿这些年是如何在TWIS变得独立且积极向上的?
- 03:31: 我对她未来有哪些期待?
- 04:52: 为什么我的儿子觉得TWIS是个“好玩的地方”?
- 08:10: TWIS的课外活动如何帮助我的孩子将“小兴趣”发展成“大爱好”?
- 12:44: 我对于TWIS家校沟通的一些感受
- 14:12: 我对正在选择国际学校家长的些许建议
At the end of 2022-2023 school year, we asked some parentsto share their thoughts about their children`s growth and development.
- 00:19: How has my daughter became independent and positive at TWIS over the years?
-03:31: What do I expect from her in the future?
-04:52: Why does my son think TWIS is such a "fun place"?
-08:10: How do TWIS CASE activities help my children develop "small interest" into "big hobbies"?
-12:44: About school-parents communication at TWIS.
-14:12: Suggestions to parents who are choosing international school?
Click to watch the video of the interview for
Let`s hear the some tips from a TWIS family...
“在你的成长过程中,接触到越多的不同文化,你将来的接收能力就会越强。”“In the process of your growth, the more you come into contact with different culture, your future receptivity will become stronger.”“现在的社会变化太快了。我能做到的,就是帮她有能力去为自己选择自己应该走的路”“The world changes too fast. What i can do is just to help her have the ability to help herself choose the path she should take.”“IB有一个好处,就是在全球范围内有相当大的认可度,学生很容易对接到其他学校甚至大学。”“IB has a benefit that there is a considerable recognition globally. The handover in this systerm is quite good include appling universities.”“通过IB课程,将来他的成绩是会得到香港所有大学的认可的,当然也包括国外顶尖大学比如哈佛、剑桥等。”“Through IB curriculum, their grades will be recognized by all universities in HK, and includingthe top universities like Harvard, Cambridge.”“很多大学都特别钟意IB学生,因为IB学生普遍具有多样性和创造力的特质。”“Many schools are very fond of IB studens, because of the diversity and creativity of IB students.”关键词:
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